Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i finally figured out that, YES, Belgium does have thrift stores with actual clothing in them.
gregory and i go quite often to a local thrift store that happens to be a large european chain much like salvation army only with the tinest, ugliest selection of clothes. we buy other junk like bags of buttons, knitting needles and knick knacks there (or is that just my list of interests?)
anywho its been a frustration of mine basically since i've been here because thrifting has been a hobby of mine for quite some time now. and of course i've asked gregory about this many a times throughout my living here but he never has any answers to my questions. his interests have always included skate boarding, going out and drinking, watching tv and sleeping before i got here. (they're beginning to broaden!) so whenever i have any questions about clubs, organizations, any other interest i might have, he never has any idea if it exists or how to find it)

lately my own language skills and self confidence with it has improved by leaps and bounds. i can now find things for myself and do things myself which feels AWESOME. (just yesterday i found for the first time, cheddar cheese that i had always wished for) i've even been able to extend myself so far as to voice my discontent with people. i mean honestly, you don't really know the language until you can tell someone where to go and where they can shove it, right?!

so anyway, with all these skills i've brached out and thought hmmm..there must be thrift store somewhere and i thought of the search word to use and where to search all by myself and i found a buttload of listings!
not in kortrijk, though. but thats ok, i dont mind a little road trip.
so today i bought myself a map of Brugge, where there is a wopping 11 thrift stores!
i mapped out where all the thrift stores are in relation to the train station and i found a great route that seems quite do-able. so this friday (or sooner if the weather picks up) i will go to Brugge and hit a total of 5 thrift stores. i cant even contain myself! thinking of all the crazy european treasures waiting for me will surely keep me up at night! yay! can't wait!

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