All souls day; the day to cry because your loved one is dead, and all saints day; the day to be happy because they're in heaven (hopefully, right?!)
its tradition to go to the graveyard on november 1 and put flowers down. i think its a beautiful tradition. not only does it make you NOT forget about those who you've burried but it also makes the cemetary look so beautiful, pleasant, welcoming and ALIVE.
this is my third all souls day experience yet only my first time taking pictures. every year i asked gregory to take me to a cemetary and every year he was too afraid of..i dont know, mortality, death, looking like a freakazoid because his girlfriend is treating the cemetary like a tourist attraction?
i guess he's learning to live with me better, or just growing up because we FINALLY went to one. and he did feel a little weird with me taking pictures but i told him they show pictures in the paper so its not that crazy and he let me do my thing...while staying 200 feet away at all times as to not look associated with me ;)
a herpoel and her husband that we didnt know exisited.
(funny story. gregory and janne are related by marriage. but the husband burried here isnt part of janne's family.)
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