Wednesday, April 11, 2007

fun with webcam

last Friday i finally went to get my hair cut,and colored. I've been wanting to cut it for months. it hasn't been cut or even looked at by a hairdresser since end of November. my hair was well overgrown, heavy, too long, dead feeling.

i wanted a short cut so the hairdresser to a hunk of my hanging, heavy hair and just cut it off, an urge i had myself that i had to keep myself from doing. i literally let out a sigh of relief. i was already lighter, and feeling much better.

my hair is much easier to maintain now! not only was it cut short but i got the very necessary DE-thickening treatment. you know, when they run a razor through your head and take the thickness out of your hair. i have plenty to spare and love when they do it. now i can get up and run my fingers through my hair to get it back in place, whereas before i would have a huge rat's nest in the middle of my head where the bulk of my hair lives,tangling around itself because it was too long and unruly for its own good.

i took some pics with Gregory's web cam because my camera is out of batteries. silly pics of hair!
OK so this last one isn't of my hair but there's something about extreme closeups on web cam photos that i love. so there you go.


Anonymous said...

Your hair kicks ass!!! That's a great style & color!

Anonymous said...

A big thumbs up! Looks way cute and you're lookin Belgian with the blonde color.