What were you last year for Halloween?: dead bride because gregory wussed out and wouldnt be the beetlejuice to my lydia.
What are you going to be this year?: a fat drunk on the couch?
Favorite costume you have ever worn?: umm.. my pin-up costume that i made?
How do you spend your Halloween?: its different every year. i try to do something fun though
Are you or are you not going trick or treating this year?: HA! NO
Did or do you pull Halloween pranks?: nope
Do you believe in ghosts? I do
Are you superstitious? yes
Do you like caramel popcorn?: eww gross
Have you ever gone in the country to look for pumpkins? YES!!
Have you ever been on a hayride? yes!
Do you decorate your home for Halloween?: uh heck YES
Have you ever been to a haunted house?: plenty of made up haunted houses and the lizzie borden bed n breakfast which was def haunted. my old dorm building was also haunted as it was general shaw's estate (the duded that lead the 54th regiment in the civil war. theres your history lesson for today.)
Have you ever been to a graveyard on Halloween? yeah
Have you ever attended a Halloween party?: yepp
Do you watch scary movies on Halloween? I always watch scary movies
Have you ever had your candy stolen from you?: no
Did you ever steal any ones candy? probably my brothers
Has anyone ever gotten hurt due to your prank?: no pranks
Have you ever dressed as a witch/warlock?: I've NEVER been a witch
Are your parents into Halloween?: not really
Do you know someone who was born on Halloween? don't think so
HAVE YOU EVER:Passed out candy?: yep
Bobbed for apples?: yeah, its messy
Gone to a pumpkin patch?: yes!
Hosted a Halloween Party? yes!!
Attended a Halloween Party?: of course!!
Made pumpkin pie?: yes
Raked leaves?: yeah for fun and not for fun
Watched the Travel Channel with the Halloween specials?: wait..what? i didnt know they had that!
Amityville Horror?: yes
Halloween?: no
Last House On The Left? no
House Of Wax?: yes
Tales From The Crypt? yes
The Exorcist?: yes
Texas Chainsaw Massacre?: yes
Pumpkinhead?: no
The Sixth Sense?: yes
All or any of the Nightmare On Elm Street?: all!
Practical Magic?: pffft yeah!
Any or all of The Simpsons Halloween episodes?: yep
The Munsters?: love em
The Adams Family?: love em
Elvira?: heck yes!
The Lost Boys?: no
Contact?: no
Hocus Pocus?: yes
Edward Scissorhands?: *swoon* yes
Friday the 13th?: actually- no
Childs Play?: yes
The Shining?: yes
Salems Lot?: yes
Fright Night?: no