yeah, its been a while since I've written. Nothing really exciting is going on. Yesterday was St. Nicholas Day here in Belgium. That's when SinterKlaas arrives from Spain on his boat with his "helpers" zwarte pieten. Also known as black petes. Its a holiday just for children so we bought, I mean SinterKlaas left at our house, 2 remote control trucks for the twins. They loved 'em.
it snowed here once so far. I know its nothing to what you guys are getting back home, but for Belgium it was a pretty decent snowfall. We also have our decorations up. Since we're poor and don't really have enough for decorations, I went with the paper snowflake theme. Well, its not that we can't afford decorations per se, its just that they're expensive and we have finacial obligations which keep us from spending frivolously.
so the pictures you can see our tree, my pink and blue snowflakes on the window, some white snowflakes hanging from a shelf, and some stars hanging from the archway. Mom sent me a link from hallmark on how to make stars from greeting cards so I tried it. We also have snowflakes in our bathroom. There are a few other random decorations aswell, so I think for not being able to spend a butt load of money on decorations we did alright for ourselves.
so in 2 weeks I'm headed home for Christmas. Should be awesome. Pray to the snowgods to hold off their snowstorms until after I land in Boston. I reeeeeeaaaallly don't want to be delayed. Traveling that far is hard enough nevermind having to sit extra hours.
see you all soon!